Florida Panhandle and views of the Gulf Coast

We visit the gulf coast, along Panama Beach, Destin and Pensacola Almost every year, and I never tire of the view.

Stephen Forsyth
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View of a beachfront hotel from the beach
Long Exposure of the beach at night
Sunset from a ferris wheel in Pensacola
View of the Barrier island with ocean on either side
A beachfront view from the water
Sunset across the ocean in pensacola

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Nunc quis dui scelerisque, scelerisque urna ut, dapibus orci. Sed vitae condimentum lectus, ut imperdiet quam. Maecenas in justo ut nulla aliquam sodales vel at ligula. Sed blandit diam odio, sed fringilla lectus molestie sit amet. Praesent eu tortor viverra lorem mattis pulvinar feugiat in turpis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Fusce ullamcorper tellus sit amet mattis dignissim. Phasellus ut metus ligula. Curabitur nec leo turpis. Ut gravida purus quis erat pretium, sed pellentesque massa elementum. Fusce vestibulum porta augue, at mattis justo. Integer sed sapien fringilla, dapibus risus id, faucibus ante. Pellentesque mattis nunc sit amet tortor pellentesque, non placerat neque viverra.